RELICS High-z Catalog

At the link below, find the public catalog described by Strait et al., 2020.
Included are HST and Spitzer fluxes and uncertainties for 207 of the 321
RELICS HST-selected candidates from Salmon et al., 2020, along with
physical properties and uncertainties from both methods described
in the paper.

View RELICS High-z Catalog

Column Description/Units
id Cluster name + ID from SExtractor catalog (given in Salmon et al., 2020)
ra Right Ascension, degrees
dec Declination, degrees
f_XXXw Fluxes for band at XXX central wavelength (Hubble and Spitzer), in nJy
e_XXXw Flux uncertainties for band at XXX central wavelength (Hubble and Spitzer), in nJy
cv1, cv2 Maximum covariance index for Spitzer/IRAC channels 1, 2: the ratio of the covariance of the object with its closest/brightest neighbor and its own variance (>1 is bad)
mu_medianX Median magnification for type X lens model
mag_model_typeX Type of lens model associated with mu_medianX. For Glafic, see Oguri et al., 2010. For Lenstool, see Jullo et al., 2009. For LTM, see Zitrin et al., 2013. All models are available on MAST.
mu_mean(medians) For galaxies with more than one type of model available, the mean of median magnifications.
methodA_log_age_best Log best-fit formation age (in log10(Years)) using Method A (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_log_mass_best Log best-fit stellar mass (in log10(M⊙)) using Method A (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_zpeak Best-fit redshift using Method A (EAZY default templates, no model assumptions)
methodA_sfr_best Best-fit star formation rate (in M⊙/yr) using Method A (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_ebmv_best Best-fit E(B-V) (in magnitudes) using Method A (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
absmag Absolute magnitude, calculated using Method A redshifts
methodA_zmed, methodA_zu68, methodA_zl68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on redshift from posterior using Method A (EAZY default templates, no model assumptions)
methodA_smass_med, methodA_smass_u68, methodA_smass_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on stellar mass (in M⊙) from posterior using Method A described in Strait et al., 2020 (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_sfr_med, methodA_sfr_u68, methodA_sfr_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on star formation rate (in M⊙/yr) from posterior using Method A described in Strait et al., 2020 (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_ebmv_med, methodA_ebmv_u68, methodA_ebmv_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on E(B-V) (in magnitudes) from posterior using Method A described in Strait et al., 2020 (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodA_age_form_med, methodA_age_form_u68, methodA_age_form_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on formation age (in Gyr) from posterior using Method A described in Strait et al., 2020 (BC03+emission lines, constant SFH)
methodB_zmed, methodB_zu68, methodB_zl68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on redshift from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_smass_med, methodB_smass_u68, methodB_smass_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on stellar mass (in M⊙) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_sfr_med, methodB_sfr_u68, methodB_sfr_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on star formation rate (in M⊙/yr) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_age_form_med, methodB_age_form_u68, methodB_age_form_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on formation age (in Gyr) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_age_MW_med, methodB_age_MW_u68, methodB_age_MW_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on mass-weighted age (in Gyr, see eqn. 3) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_metallicity_med, methodB_metallicity_u68, methodB_metallicity_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on metallicity (in Z⊙) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_dust_med, methodB_dust_u68, methodB_dust_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on extinction, A_V (in magnitudes) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_ionization_med, methodB_ionization_u68, methodB_ionization_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on ionization parameter log(U) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)
methodB_EW_OIII+Hb_med, methodB_EW_OIII+Hb_u68, methodB_EW_OIII+Hb_l68 Median, upper, and lower 68% confidence limits on rest-frame equivalent width of OIII+Hb (in Angstroms) from posterior using Method B described in Strait et al., 2020 (BPASS, variable exponential SFH)

Method A Method B
Redshift 0--12 4--11
Formation age 10Myr -- age of universe 1 Myr -- age of universe
Metallicity 0.2Z⊙ 0.005 -- 5Z⊙
Ionization log(U) not known a priori -4 -- -1
Dust Small Magellenic Cloud, E(B-V) = 0--1 Calzetti, A_V = 0 -- 3
Templates BC03+nebular emission BPASS+CLOUDY nebular emission